Astronomicon #3 Distant Relatives is published!!

Book 3: Distant Relatives CoverToday is the big launch of the 3rd book in the ongoing Astronomicon science fiction series. It’s taken a lot of work to get this far and, on reading the book, I’m sure you will agree that this is the best one yet.



This next book in the Astronomicon series marks a serious and exciting expansion of the scenario. As many new elements are introduced, more of the true scale of events within the story are revealed. Readers get their first taste of Mars Colony 1 and find out how the peoples of Earth react to the indisputable discovery that we really are not alone in the universe.
Those who read book 1 (Astronomicon: Voyage of the Elysian) and book 2 (Astronomicon: The Discovery) will be pleased to discover that there are also more exciting developments within the colony on Proxima 3.A threat approaches – will we be ready? 



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