Progress Report

Sorry I’ve been quiet here for a while. Whilst I don’t really have anything specific to announce, I am making a lot of progress in several areas:
The paperback release of Astronomicon: The Discovery is moving along well. Unless I hit any unforeseen hitches, it should become available within the next 2-3 weeks. Book 2 is rapidly gaining on Book 1 in terms of popularity, and has also been getting better reviews too. I just hope Book 3 does just as well when that is published.
On that subject “Book 3: Distant Relatives” is progressing too. It’s not going as quickly as I would prefer but has bloomed into a much more developed, mature story than I originally envisaged. It answers many of the questions raised in the first two books, but opens our eyes to the vast scale of the mystery faced by the human race.
On top of all of that, I’ve also been bouncing around some ideas for future books, especially a couple of spin-offs. The main, central storyline will still continue for at least another six books, but I have ideas brewing which will feature other characters within the Astronomicon universe, allowing you to experience some other aspects of the creation. Some will be classic sci-fi but others might take the genre in a different direction. Watch this space!