This is another stand-alone story set within the Astronomicon universe, and something of a departure from my usual style:
Blake Horton just wanted to get home, but he didn’t expect government agents, space pirates, an alien intruder, an archaeological discovery and a marriage of convenience to get in his way.
This comedy scifi novel covers the misadventures of an out-of-work life support systems engineer on his way back to Earth and a reporter desperately needing a scoop to save her career. He needs to get back before the reading of a will. She needs a breakthrough in her story before her time limit is up. With each other’s help, getting back to Earth in time should be possible but life certainly isn’t about to make it that simple for them.
If I had to liken it to the works of another author, I really don’t know who. That will probably have to wait until my wonderful readers get their hands on it.
This book is currently available for £2.99 but you can download a FREE sample for Kindle, Windows, Android or iOS..