After four days of intensive work, I now have new cover art for the first Astronomicon novel. The book rewrite has gone well, creating a novel which is substantially different and much improved from the original. A new front cover seemed like a good way to draw a clear distinction between this novel and the … Read More “Revealing Exciting New Cover Art!” »
Tag: technology
Progress news
Announcement, Freebie
Guardian Angel A new artificial intelligence escapes from the lab. Could its creator have ever predicted the ultimate outcome of its programming? Read the whole story here.
Broadly speaking, spacecraft fall into two technological categories. There are the sublightspeed variety that we are very familiar with, such as the Space Shuttle (okay so the bit we call the “Shuttle” is actually the “Orbiter”). Then there’s the supralightspeed variety which don’t yet exist, the USS Enterprise and Battlestar Galactic springing to mind as … Read More “Star Drive Technology” »