The Author
I never know what to put on this page. I should probably get someone else to write something about me instead.
I was born in Stratford-upon-Avon (UK) in the early 70s. That’s the same town in which the great William Shakespeare was born, so maybe that bodes well? Due to my parents’ careers, I grew up in a variety of places around Worcestershire, completing my school education in Worcester itself.
University took me to Cardiff, Wales, to study Computer Science. I’ve lived in Cardiff ever since, moving to several locations around the city. I’ve been married for over two decades now, with three children, all of which are in secondary school or above. I feel old! 🙁
I’ve been writing creatively ever since school, writing my first (and now long lost) book in my late teens. Although my career path has never followed anything remotely like a literary theme, I’ve been writing as a hobby continuously. My career has been rooted in computers and related technology, from programming fruit machines to working as a web developer. So far, that has all proved to be useful life experience for writing fiction.
Now that e-books have truly hit the mainstream, and continue to grow in popularity, and printed books continue to decline, I felt I had reached the best possible point to get my act together and get the long-planned Astronomicon books written and published. After all, a book (or series of books) does not really count for much if people can’t find out about it and read it.